ul. Batorego 39L, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611 21 10
fax: +48 56 611 21 11
e-mail: wnopib@umk.pl

Staff members

dr Michał Piechowicz
Assistant Professor
Department of European Studies, Institute of Political Sciences

room no: 217
tel.: 56 611 21 63
e-mail: piechowicz@umk.pl
www: https://www.wnopib.umk.pl/wydzial/pracownicy-naukowi-wnopib/?id=71169100
ORCID: 0000-0001-9501-3696

the EU's decision-making process
Common Security and Defence Policy / CSDP
the EU agencies
the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
Permanent Structured Cooperation / PESCO
International Organisations
Office Hours:
kontakt email

See profile in Research Portal