ul. Batorego 39L, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611 21 10
fax: +48 56 611 21 11
e-mail: wnopib@umk.pl

Reflect Lab – Supporting lecturers in applying inquiry based learning

The REFLECT LAB project intends to support universities, more specifically lecturers, to implement the currently discussed implementation of inquiry based learning. For these socio-scientific teaching/learning laboratories – REFLECT LABs – will be developed and tested. The objective is to establish an innovative course structure, which fosters self-directed learning at Higher Education Institutions (HEI). Students do autonomous research in REFLECT LABs with socio-scientific methods towards pressing political and socially issues. Lecturers accompany and support this process and the critical discussion. As such, the project sets a counterpoint to the widely criticized reduction of learning in HEI to sole knowledge transfer.

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